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Stampede 15

Good Morning Fellow Single Parents Active Kids how are we and those wonderful youngsters?? Wow how gorgeous is that sun hey?? Shinning oh so brightly, literally and figuratively, love it.

We loved the recent experience and already started planning for next year. There was/is an early bird special and the whole idea of the mighty single parents active kids is enjoying as much together as possible, as well as making life as easy with payments as possible! So thanks to Georgia who contacted the company directly this is what they came back with: ” We can organise to purchase the tickets in bulk, probably the quickest and easiest way would be to let me know how many of each ticket you would like and then I will calculate a cost for you. You can then bank transfer the money into our account and I will then send out to you a number of codes that can be used upon entering/registering. These codes cancel out the payment process”
As a result here is how it will work:

I think this link will give you the best info,, absolutely everyone that participated enjoyed it/loved it.

Saturday 28th of November.

11.40 and 5 km’s, both worked really well a few weeks ago.

Wandin Park
305 Victoria Rd Wandin North

I want to get this sorted by Friday, so please rsvp by 9 am this Friday the 19/12/14. Must be a member for our group to purchase these tickets on your behalf.

$52.50 including those transaction fees, that is a saving of $45 per person over what we paid for the last event.

Wednesday 25th of March, yes 4 months after tickets are purchased for you, brilliant part of the mighty single parents active kids, no wonder yesterday’s E-mail has had such a positive impact!

Your name, Stampede, Single Parents Active Kids bsb 033073 acc 412883

Georgia (lol, I think she has found how annoying I am when I want to get something out there for our members to enjoy) and I have been wanting to get the info out asap, we know this early bird special will not last long. The other important factor is we realise some members are not tech savvy (yours truly included) so if there is someway we can help them out and add to the magic they have to look forward to in 2015 then we will do all we can! Ahhhhhhhhhhh Single Parents Active Kids at its active/helpful/events best!


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