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Rolling Thunder Vietnam

Good Evening Fellow Single Parents Active Kids how are we and those adorable champs?? On a night when 7 cheap Fiddler on the Roof tickets were purchased, very fitting we promote another very special event.

THE dynamic Australian concert drama Rolling Thunder Vietnam returns for an exclusive national tour in July-August 2016 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. Conscription, combat, protest and homecoming, Rolling Thunder Vietnam combines personal stories of young Vietnam War soldiers with hit songs of the era.This powerful theatrical show draws audiences inside the lives of men on the battlefront and their loved ones at home. Under the musical direction of Chong Lim (the John Farnham Band), Rolling Thunder Vietnam is a soul-stirring show directed by David Berthold and written by Bryce Hallett. The Vietnam War was the world’s first televised war and the production includes stunning news footage and mind-blowing images from the ’60s and ’70s.

Saturday 23rd of July 7.30 show doors open at 7.00 pm. Palais Theatre in St.Kilda

$79.90 as long as we get a minimum of 10 attending, a saving of at least $20 each.
I have booked for 15 at this stage.

Friday 13th of May.

Your Own Name, Vietnam, Single Parents Active Kids bsb 033073 acc 412883, Please E-mail after every payment.


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