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Military Tattoo

Good Morning Fellow Single Parents Active Kids how are we and those delightful youngsters?? I am always on the prowl for something different, well this very special event definitely falls in that category.

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo will march into Melbourne for the first time ever in February 2016 when more than 1200 performers will gather at Etihad Stadium.
Featuring a full size replica of the Edinburgh Castle, the massed pipes and drums of Scotland’s famous Regiments and performers from around the World, this will be one of the biggest entertainment events to ever perform at Etihad Stadium.
With its unique, stirring blend of military ceremony, music and entertainment, The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo is phenomenally popular, attracting an annual television audience of 100 million.
Now the people of Melbourne will have the chance to experience the iconic event live.
The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo attracts the world’s best massed pipes and drums – and Melbourne will be no exception. There will be a large contingent of the leading military bands from the UK, along with other international outfits. There will also be a number of bands representing the Australian Defence Forces.
The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Melbourne will be one of the greatest outdoor spectacles to be seen in Australia.

Saturday 13th of February 2016, 7pm time slot.
Etihad Stadium, Docklands.

Thursday the 18th of June, exactly a month from today will give members plenty of time to think about it.

$92 including transaction fees, to get the group bookings we need 20 Adults and that is the silver seating and the cost of that is $135 with a group booking, so have decided to go with the Bronze seating, knowing where-ever you sit at Etihad you have a great seat.

Wednesday 2nd of September. This is the beauty of our group coming out again, you rsvp today, our group purchases the tickets on your behalf 18/6/15 and we don’t have to pay until 2/9/15, Aweskkkkkkkkkkkhum. Happy to take instalments if that makes your life easier, anything to make dreams into reality.

Your Own Name, Military Tattoo, Single Parents Active Kids bsb 033073 acc 412883

Lol, I received the promotional information in the mail, received an E-mail about it and have seen something on T.V about it. My biggest dilemma is whether try and get get 20 (adults) for the group booking and sit in the silver seats or go the cheaper and safer option and go for the Bronze in about a month. On this occasion have gone for the cheaper option, this does look absolutely amazing, very very tempted!


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